For Local Birding Information Contact

Dale Cherry

Cherrydale Golf and Campground

Box 187 Yorkton, Saskatchewan

Phone: (306) 786 6877

To get to Cherrydale Golf  and Campground take Cherrydale Road just out of Yorkton on either No. 16 Hwy or No. 10 Hwy.


Cherrydale Clubhouse

Golf Course

Birding Trail


Native Prairie Preserve

The Cherrydale Golf and Campground is a start off point to our walking trail that winds through 40 acres of native prairies with approximately 60 species of wild native plants and flowers.  Funding for this trail and plant identification was through Saskatchewan Wet Lands.

Along the west side of this native prairie is a natural wet area of about 30 acres, on the north east end of the slough is a dam which holds back spring run off.  It is an overflow control and is licensed by Sask. Water Corp.  The duck population on this project has increased greatly as well as all water fowl.  The big surprise is that on occasion we now have loons.

At the far north end of this trail is a buffalo rub stone.

In the club house we have two stones that were found on the hill north of the club house; one is a small stone that has been identified as a Buffalo Prayer Stone and the other is a 10lb. Hammer Stone that has a double spiral grip, an axe like striking surface and from the top it has a five-sided head.

Our golf course rough is left in its natural state to encourage nesting birds and a wide array of small animals. 

Our only charge for the use of the ground is a donation of your choice.  We hope that you enjoy your surroundings.


Golf Course and Birding Trail
Photos by John Sawkey


The location of the
Cherrydale Birding Trail
can be found using Google Earth.


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